Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another two-day job

So Busy!

Here is the drawing of the day... I divided this one into two days since it was more complex. I like the line work. I may add this one to my portfolio.

Take care! Night!

Friday, February 24, 2012

A two-day job!


I made a new rule that I can post a sneak peek one day and a finished shot the next if the drawing is significantly detailed as to require two days to finish.
This one did. So I posted a sneak peek to my FB page last night. (When it becomes easy to post to blogger with my phone, I will do that!)

My devotional yesterday morning included the passage about Jesus calming the storm and the sea, so I was inspired to draw it. I had fun with it. Here it is!

I look forward to sharing a finished color version later.
More sketches to come!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 10 ...a busy Tuesday

I named the blog well.

I really like today's sketch. I think I'll call her Ruth. She is definitely a character right out of the Bible. I had to stay up extra late tonight to finish her, due to infants and toddlers and others trying to outlast me.

But here it is.


Monday, February 20, 2012

A little birdie told me

Day 9

I can't lie... it is quite difficult to find time each day to sit and draw, much less think of something creative on the spot. I'm glad I am doing it though, I feel like it will prepare me for working more steadily and consistantly on projects in the future.

Here is my little sketch of the day.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 7 and 8!

Well, you might have thought I didn't get my drawing done yesterday, but I did! Yay, I didn't miss a day!

I did the drawing and posted it on FB but didn't have time to edit it nicely and put it on the blog. Tonight I'm posting both that one and today's drawing, but still didn't have time to edit them and smooth out the kinks.

As you may notice from the extra details of the second drawing, I had lots more time to draw today. That's because I had a chance to hang out in a coffee house with my six year old for a little while. It was fun.

Oh, and Yay! I made it a whole week. I realize that may not seem like a big deal, but when first beginning something new, it's easy for it to crash and burn! I'm just glad this week didn't wreck it.

Day 7 ---

Day 8 --


Friday, February 17, 2012

Abstract Owl

Day 6

I decided to do an owl today. I barely found the time to sketch it though. It has been a busy day. I do think I would like to do more with this sketch later, perhaps add some color and try some photoshop filters on it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Not in Kansas anymore

Day 5

Can you guess what movie we watched today? I'll give you another hint: My 6 yr old will probably have a nightmare about a tornado picking up the house...or maybe a witch whose toes curl up after she bites it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 4

Day 4 -

I can't wait to get back out there on my bike in the mornings. But since I just had a baby, I'm waiting a few more weeks to get back out there. I don't know if that was in the back of my mind when I sketched this one, but maybe.

That being said... have you ever tried to draw a bicycle without looking at one for reference? It's a headache waiting to happen...However, I didn't have a photo handy at the time, so I gave it a shot anyway.

Nighty night!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

V-Day Drawing

(Otherwise known as Day 3 of the challenge)

Yesterday was horrible! But today was terrific.

I tried to make a Valentine themed drawing for today.

Unfortunately I can draw some sad looking birds.

Realisic birds are no problem... but cartoon birds give me fits.

Better luck next time.... lol

Regardless, Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 2 The Cat Came Back

My drawing for day 2.... and what a hectic day it was. I feel like this cat looks!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Year from Now!!!

This blog exists to chronicle my attempt to do a drawing every day for a year. I am challenging myself to do this because I know two things...

1. When I draw regularly, my skills improve.

2. Left to my own devices, I forget to draw regularly. I need purpose to create drawings.

I hereby challenge myself to do a drawing a day... and to post it on this blog as a type of accountability. I warn anyone willing to follow along on this journey, that every drawing won't be a winner... but it'll be something!

I think I was inspired to do this a while back when I read a sign on Pinterest that said-

"A Year from now, you will wish you had started today". -Karen Lamb

I think Karen is right... so I'm starting today!

Is there anything you want to start today? Tell me about it... I'd love to encourage you!!!

Here is Day 1's drawing...